Navy Torn Tape Relay Equipment

Click on any photo for a larger version

Torn Tape Equipment aboard USS Midway

DSCN0112.JPG (5395949 bytes)

AN/FGC-79A (3 printers + keyboard)
AN/FGC-100A (4 printers)
Page Printer Monitor Groups ("waterfall")
DSCN0117.JPG (5242404 bytes)
TT-333A/UG Transmitter Group 
DSCN0110.JPG (5440086 bytes)

DSCN0147.JPG (5039137 bytes)

TT-332A/UG Monitor Group 
DSCN0113.JPG (5229320 bytes)

DSCN0106.JPG (5259983 bytes)

Torn Tape Equipment aboard USS New Jersey

relay-bb62-2003.jpg (164780 bytes)

AN/FGC-79A Printer Group
p1010029.jpg (34256 bytes)
AN/UGT-8 Transmitter Group
p1010030.jpg (55633 bytes)

AN/FGC-79A Printer Group
p1010028.jpg (55785 bytes)

TT-331/UG Receiving Group
p1010031.jpg (33722 bytes)

Model 28 Tape Relay Equipment

Technical Manual 271B - 42MB pdf
Technical Manual 275B - 109MB pdf

Receiving Group (6 Typing Reperf)
multi-reperf-p7.jpg (47962 bytes)

Transmitter Group (6 TD)
trans-grp-01.JPG (118702 bytes)
Monitor Group (6 Reperf)
mon-grp-01.JPG (123072 bytes)
Printer (triple RO)
printer-multi-01.JPG (668249 bytes)

Transmitter Group

There were several variants

Transmitter group restoration and videos

3 ea. Message Identification Modules
3 ea. LXD TDs
3 ea. LBXD16 TDs
trans-grp-01.JPG (118702 bytes)
6 ea. Message Identification Modules
6 ea. LBXD TDs
DSCN0110.JPG (5440086 bytes)
3 ea. Message Identification Modules (nixie readout) 
6 ea. LXD TDs
ugt5-bb61-01.jpg (709035 bytes)

Model 28 Reperforator-Transmitter


28RT page - photos, info and video




28RT - Reperforator Transmitter Group
typreperf-td-01.JPG (150707 bytes)
28RT - Reperforator Transmitter Unit
tape-rt-121.JPG (166911 bytes)


82b1-rt-81.JPG (255417 bytes)
28RT units in an 82B1 switching center

Model 14 RT Reperforator-Transmitter (FRXD)
frxd-1311-01.jpg (41880 bytes)

frxd-1311-04.jpg (54074 bytes) frxd-1311-02.jpg (55720 bytes) frxd-1311-03.jpg (54468 bytes)
frxd-1311-05.jpg (76348 bytes) frxd-1311-06.jpg (48909 bytes) frxd-1311-07.jpg (56237 bytes) frxd-1311-08.jpg (37690 bytes)

High Speed Tape Equipment - brochure  

Video of BRPE in action

BRPE Punch Block Info


BRPE High Speed Tape Punch
hs-punch-01.JPG (189499 bytes)
Installation at NGR Nea Makri Greece
ra1-251-7.JPG (620827 bytes)
Installation at NGR Nea Makri Greece

rj2-11-3.JPG (513750 bytes)


8-level 1" tape
brpe-tt329-2109-01.jpg (96691 bytes)

brpe-tt329-2109-03.jpg (62955 bytes) brpe-tt329-2109-04.jpg (109096 bytes) brpe-tt329-2109-09.jpg (65440 bytes)
High Speed Punch (BRPE) Control Unit BCUI and associated power supply BPUI

Manual 224B

brpe-bcui-01.jpg (973821 bytes) brpe-bpui-01.jpg (1283642 bytes) brpe-bcui-block.jpg (966757 bytes)

High Speed (600WPM) Transmission System - Brochure

Electronics appear similar to pieces of AN/FGC-5 multiplexer

High Speed Tape Transmitter
600wpm-xmtr-01.jpg (2982059 bytes)
Transmitter Electronics
600wpm-xmtr-distr-01.jpg (3008375 bytes)
Receiver Electronics including controller for BRPE High Speed Tape Punch
600wpm-rcvr-distr-01.jpg (3169562 bytes)

Model 28 Triple TD unit used in Transmitter Group
28-trip-td-01.jpg (68509 bytes)

28-trip-td-02.jpg (77217 bytes) 28-trip-td-03.jpg (87459 bytes) This unit uses the LBXD TD with parallel wire input/output as well as serial output.
Message Identification Module used in Transmitter Group (Teletype 173520)
tty-number-module-10.jpg (582870 bytes)

Principles of Operation - 8MB pdf
Adjustments/Lubrication - 8MB pdf

Video of unit in operation

tty-number-module-03.JPG (179409 bytes)

tty-number-module-04.JPG (150224 bytes)

tty-number-module-01.JPG (124748 bytes) tty-number-module-02.JPG (166733 bytes)
Triple TD with single-contact LXD
LMXB202_9189.JPG (1609415 bytes)
LMXB202_9183.JPG (1750922 bytes) LMXB202_9184.JPG (1328928 bytes) LMXB202_9188.JPG (1375495 bytes)
lxd4-91.jpg (42252 bytes) lxd4-93.jpg (52333 bytes) lxd4-94.jpg (48115 bytes) lxd4-95.jpg (40219 bytes)
Receiving Group - Multiple Reperf

reperf-mult-8376.JPG (215502 bytes)

Multiple Reperf Base LMRB
lmrb-base.jpg (959622 bytes)
-- --
TT-418/FG - part of AN/FGC-79 Multiple Printer
tt418-fg-04.JPG (473250 bytes)
tt418-fg-01.JPG (552016 bytes) tt418-fg-02.JPG (511294 bytes) tt418-fg-05.JPG (438591 bytes)
tt418-fg-06.JPG (659391 bytes) tt418-fg-03.JPG (664622 bytes) -- --


fgc6-spec-101.JPG (113490 bytes) fgc6-spec-102.JPG (78577 bytes) Receiver - Transmitter - Monitor


fgc6-spec-103.JPG (29562 bytes)


Steve's FGC-39 equipment in operation

fgc38-spec-101.JPG (98501 bytes) fgc38-spec-102.JPG (75632 bytes) Receiver - Transmitter - Monitor

NAVSHIPS 92378 - link

fgc38-relay-center-01.jpg (450063 bytes) fgc38-relay-center-02.jpg (421649 bytes) fgc38-relay-center-01a.jpg (640833 bytes) fgc38-relay-center-03.jpg (434715 bytes)


fgc38a-spec-01.JPG (131736 bytes) fgc38a-spec-02.JPG (108594 bytes) Receiver - Transmitter - Monitor


TT-168/FGC-39 triple TD used for message numbering tapes
TT-168_FGC-39.jpg (3304046 bytes)
MXD-11 triple TD as used in FGC-38
fgc-mxd11-1507-01.JPG (291028 bytes)
fgc-mxd11-1507-03.JPG (425660 bytes) fgc-mxd11-1507-04.JPG (250267 bytes)
TT-168/FGC-38 TD
P1010180.JPG (1059507 bytes)
P1010181.JPG (1075726 bytes) P1010182.JPG (1081658 bytes) P1010183.JPG (1123686 bytes)
fgc38-mxd25-1409-01.jpg (328535 bytes)
fgc38-mxd25-1409-02.jpg (259680 bytes) -- --
TT-164/FGC-38 Typing Reperf

tt164-fgc38-2103-01.jpg (107346 bytes)

tt164-fgc38-2103-02.jpg (90729 bytes) tt164-fgc38-03.jpg (161403 bytes) tt164-fgc38-01.jpg (679591 bytes)
T-200/FGC-38A typing reperf
tt200-fgc38a-03.jpg (629327 bytes)
tt200-fgc38a-02.jpg (778275 bytes) tt200-fgc38a-05.jpg (661650 bytes) tt200-fgc38a-04.jpg (686708 bytes)
TT-201/FGC-38A reperf
tt201-fgc38a-01.jpg (804503 bytes)
tt201-fgc38a-02.jpg (725723 bytes) tt201-fgc38a-03.jpg (793636 bytes) tt201-fgc38a-04.jpg (651349 bytes)
TT-204/FGC-39 reperf
tt204-fgc39-1507-01.JPG (320000 bytes)
tt204-fgc39-1507-02.JPG (379465 bytes) tt204-fgc39-1507-03.JPG (303803 bytes) tt204-fgc39-1507-04.JPG (301358 bytes)
tt204-fgc39-1507-05.JPG (268292 bytes) tt204-fgc39-1507-06.JPG (384525 bytes) tt204-fgc39-1507-07.JPG (265388 bytes) tt204-fgc39-1507-08.JPG (343584 bytes)

AN/FGC-71 Routing Set (Multiple Address Processing Unit)

fgc71-spec-01.JPG (126879 bytes) fgc71-spec-02.JPG (133773 bytes) Routing Set - Used to create multiple individually-addressed tapes from one multi-address master

Includes 20 ea. TT-329/UG Reperforators (625 wpm)


fgc71-spec-03.JPG (76817 bytes) 

AN/FGC-73 Routing Set (Multiple Address Processing Unit)








fgc73-spec-01.JPG (166297 bytes) fgc73-spec-02.JPG (136962 bytes) Used to create multiple individually-addressed tapes from one multi-address master

Includes 22 ea. TT-329/UG Reperforators (850 wpm)


OA-4042/FGC-73 Console

fgc73-1412-02.JPG (32747 bytes)

fgc73-1412-01.JPG (71051 bytes) ----

AN/FGR-5 Receiver Set

fgr5-spec-01.JPG (287919 bytes) fgr5-spec-02.JPG (71086 bytes) Torn Tape Relay Receiver

Includes 6 ea. TT-315/UG Typing Reperforators
Used with AN/FGT-4 and AN/FGR-6


AN/FGR-5A Receiver Set

fgr5-spec-03.JPG (132302 bytes) fgr5-spec-04.JPG (110840 bytes) Torn Tape Relay Receiver

Includes 6 ea. TT-315/UG Typing Reperforators
Used with AN/FGT-4 and AN/FGR-6

AN/FGR-6 Monitor Set

fgr6-spec-01.JPG (268308 bytes) fgr6-spec-02.JPG (72993 bytes) Reperforator (Monitor) Set

Includes 6 ea. TT-317/UG Typing Reperforators


AN/FGR-6A Monitor Set

fgr6-spec-03.JPG (277963 bytes) fgr6-spec-04.JPG (66360 bytes) Reperforator (Monitor) Set

Includes 6 ea. TT-317/UG Typing Reperforators


AN/FGT-4 Transmitter Set

fgt4-spec-01.JPG (279530 bytes) fgt4-spec-02.JPG (73650 bytes) Transmitter Set

Includes 6 ea. TT-354/UG Transmitter-Distributors


AN/GGA-1 - Info moved here


(Signal Corps equipment also used by USN) - thanks to Bob K6OSM

PB040303.JPG (82083 bytes)

AN/TGC-1 description

PB040299.JPG (82168 bytes)

PB040297.JPG (75899 bytes) PB040311.JPG (78060 bytes)
PB040301.JPG (83249 bytes) PB040302.JPG (84028 bytes) PB040298.JPG (85971 bytes) PB040304.JPG (78987 bytes)
PB040305.JPG (80079 bytes) PB040306.JPG (79702 bytes) PB040307.JPG (77701 bytes) PB040308.JPG (76974 bytes)
From Dave - "This machine is the grand daddy of tape relay systems. They were nicknamed "Chesters" in their day, as they somewhat resembled a Chest of Drawers. The AN/TGC-1s were probably phased out of military use around 1952, having been replaced by the Korean War vintage AN/TGC-4s (1952), AN/FGC-35s (1955), and AN/FGC-38s (1955 thru 1966 or so). The AN/TGC-1s dated from around early 1942, and were built both for the Army and Navy at the outset of WW II. They were used on both point to point circuits and on radio teletype "network" circuits (early form of Navy RATT Fleet Broadcast for ships and Army General Broadcast RATT circuits)."

AN/UGC-10 Message Address Segregator
ugc10-1411.jpg (410129 bytes)

Used to create multiple individually-addressed tapes from one multi-address master

spec sheet

-- --

AN/UGC-71 Manual Message Address Segregator
MMS-man-01.jpg (3265183 bytes)

Used to create multiple individually-addressed tapes from one multiple-address master


Click here for video of operating unit

Download 314B manual pdf 

MMS-man-02.jpg (7136867 bytes)

USN_MMS_11.JPG (351340 bytes) USN_MMS_14.JPG (186774 bytes)
USN_MMS_3.JPG (309482 bytes) USN_MMS_1.JPG (291641 bytes) USN_MMS_4.JPG (361652 bytes) USN_MMS_2.JPG (266290 bytes)

TT-206/U Electronic Word Counter
tt206-cntr-2304-00.jpg (156508 bytes)

tt206-cntr-2304-03.jpg (113324 bytes) tt206-cntr-2304-02.jpg (93092 bytes) tt206-2190.JPG (6630780 bytes)
tt206-2191.JPG (5397646 bytes) tt206-2193.JPG (3696059 bytes) tt206-2194.JPG (3759664 bytes) tt206-2192.JPG (2492127 bytes)

Stelma Model EWC-1
Electronic Word Counter
tty-wordcntr-1604-03.jpg (44969 bytes)

tty-wordcntr-1604-04.jpg (141587 bytes) tty-wordcntr-1604-06.jpg (130840 bytes) tty-wordcntr-1604-05.jpg (153912 bytes)
tty-wordcntr-1604-07.jpg (143728 bytes) tty-wordcntr-1604-08.jpg (148797 bytes) tty-wordcntr-1604-02.JPG (1301957 bytes) tty-wordcntr-1604-01.JPG (1324911 bytes)
Counts one word for every six characters tty-wordcntr-patent-01.jpg (645238 bytes) tty-wordcntr-patent-02.jpg (973451 bytes) Patent info

Torn Tape System Parts Manual

(the R-390A title is some strange misprint!)

28tt-man-01.JPG (64399 bytes) 28tt-man-02.JPG (82090 bytes) 28tt-man-03.JPG (64437 bytes)

Info from 1977 Index of Teletypewriter Equipment (NAVELEX 0967-LP-104-0010)





 Model 28, Torn Tape System, Send-Receive Page Printer Set. Consists of floor cabinet, sprocket feed typing unit, 2 bases, typing reperforator, 6 transmitter distributors, 2 synchronous motors and gears for 45.5 and 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 115VAC, 60 Hz. Includes communication symbol arrangement.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 3 friction feed typing units, keyboard, 3 synchronous motors and gears for 45.5, 56.9 and 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, 3 paper winders and selective calling feature.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Set. Same as AN/FGC-69 except uses (2) LMU28 and (1) LMU41, 50/60 Hz series governed motor units instead of 3 synchronous motor units.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 3 friction feed typing units, keyboard, 3 synchronous motors and gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, 3 paper winders and keyboard switching.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-74 except includes gears for 75 baud, gold plated contacts in keyboard, two tube drivers and no keyboard switching.


Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-74 except includes 50/60 Hz series governed motors and tuning fork.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 3 friction feed typing units, keyboard, 3 synchronous motors and gears for 45.5 and 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, 3 paper winders and keyboard switching.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-79 except includes stepping magnet in keyboard.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-79A except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-79 except includes 50/60 Hz series governed motors.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 3 friction feed typing units, keyboard with gearshift, 3 synchronous motors and gears for 45.5 and 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, 3 paper winders and stepping magnet in keyboard.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-96 except includes weather character arrangement.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-96 except includes 50/60 Hz series governed motors and tuning fork.


Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 4 friction feed typing units, 4 synchronous motors and gear sets for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement and 4 paper winders.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-100 except includes contact in stunt boxes for control purposes.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGC-100 except includes 50Hz synchronous motors.


Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, (6) RY33 line relays, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators and gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement and remote control non-interfering LETTERS tape feed out.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as AN/FGR-5 except for different cabinet (LBAC243BR) and omission of line relays.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, (6) RY33 line relays, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud and 2 tape winders. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Same as AN/FGR-6 except for different cabinet (LBAC242BR) and omission of line relays.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, gears for 75 baud and 2 tape winders. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement. CRITICOM type.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, 2 (LMU) plates, tuning fork. 7.00 unit code, 50/60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 6 numbering modules for 6 circuit or 3 circuit tandem operation.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 3 numbering modules for three circuit tandem operation. CRITICOM type.


 High Speed Tape Punch Set. Consists of punch, base, cover, tuning fork, and synchronous motor unit. Free speed 1100 WPM. 5-8 code level; 11/16 or 1 in. fully perforated tape. 50/60 Hz synchronous motor, 110 CPS.


 High speed Tape Reader Set. Consists of reader, base, cover, synchronous motor unit. Transmitting speed 1071 WPM. 5-8 code level; 11/16, 7/8 or 1 in. fully perforated tape. 60 Hz synchronous motor, 107 CPS.


Model 28 Torn Tape Multiplication, for use with route line segregators. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 4 fully perforated typing reperforators, 2 synchronous motors, and gears included in base for 75 baud. unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Consists of floor cabinet, base, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, 2 synchronous motors, and gears included in base for 75 baud. Six 177010 selector magnet drivers instead of 6 vacuum tube keys. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communications symbol arrangement.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as AN/GGR-1 except it has an additional sprocket for 45.5 baud.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as AN/GGR-1 except uses 2 series governed motors 50/60 Hz with speed indicator lights instead of synchronous motors, and a tuning fork. Also has an additional sprocket for 45.5 baud.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, gears for 75 baud and 2 tape winders. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communications symbol arrangement.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Same as AN/GGR-2 except it has additional sprockets for 45.5 baud.


Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Same as AN/GGR-2 except includes series governed motors and tuning fork.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 6 transmitter distributors, 2 synchronous motors and gears for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC, 6 channels. Wired for polar transmission.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as AN/GGT-3 except uses 50/60 Hz series governed motors instead of synchronous motors.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as AN/GGT-3 except not wired for polar transmission.


 Model 28 Reperforator-Transmitter Set. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 reel assembly tapes, 2 transmitter distributors, 2 typing reperforators and 2 synchronous motors. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement.


 Model 28 Reperforator, Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, base, 2 transmitter distributors, 2 typing reperforators and 2 synchronous motors. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Cabinet equipped with (2) 177010 selector magnet drivers in lieu of vacuum tube driver.


 Model 28 Reperforator Transmitter Group. Same as AN/UGC-31 except uses (2) 50/60 Hz series governed motors LMU13 in lieu of 60 Hz synchronous motors LMU11.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 45.5, 56.9 and 74.2 baud operation. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 6 numbering modules for 6 circuit or 3 circuit tandem operation. Same as AN/FGT-4 except includes 7.42 unit code operation.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiving Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 6 typing reperforators, 2 synchronous motors and gears for 74.2 baud. Cabinet has selector magnet driver and open line detector instead of line relay. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC.


 Model 28 Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 3 friction feed typing units, keyboard with gearshift for 45.5, 56.9 and 74.2 baud, 3 synchronous motors and gears for 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, 3 paper winders and stepping magnet.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 chadless typing reperforators and gears for 75 baud. Includes communication symbol arrangement and remote control non-interfering LETTERS tape feed out. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 chadless typing reperforators, gears for 75 baud and 2 tape winders. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 6 numbering modules for 6 circuit or 3 circuit tandem operation.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing perforated and gears for 45.5 and 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement. CRITICOM type. - Specification

TT-308A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as TT-308/UG except uses cabinet LBAC260BR, 45.5 baud is eliminated.
TT-308X/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as TT-308/UG except includes series governed motors. CRITICOM type.
TT-309/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, gears for 45.5 and 75 baud and 2 tape winders. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement. CRITICOM type. - Specification
TT-309A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Same as TT-309/UG except uses cabinet LBAC259BR, includes two tube driver. CRITICOM type.
TT-310/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 45.5 and 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 3 numbering modules for tandem operation and stepping magnets. CRITICOM type.
TT-310A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as TT-310/UG except includes gold plated contacts. CRITICOM type.
TT-329/UG  High Speed Tape Punch Set. Consists of typing reperforator, base, cover and synchronous motor. Transmitting speed 1100 WPM. 8 code level, 1 inch fully perforated tape. 60 Hz synchronous motor, 110 CPS.
TT-331/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators and gears for 45.5, 56.9 and 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement and remote control non-interfering LETTERS tape feed out.
TT-331A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as TT-331/UG except uses cabinet LBAC231BR and has additional gears to include 50 baud.
TT-332/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, 2 tape winders and gears for 45.5, 56.9 and 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement.
TT-332A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Same as TT-332/UG except uses cabinet LBAC242BR equipped with selector magnet drivers and has additional gears to include 50 baud.
TT-333/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 45.5, 56.9 and 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement.

 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as TT-333/UG except uses different cabinet, base units and has additional gears to include 50 baud. Includes 3 numbering modules for tandem operation.


 High Speed Tape Punch Set. Consists of punch, base, cover and synchronous motor. 5 level, 60 Hz, 63.3 CPS, 11/16 in. fully perforated tape.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as TT-331/UG except uses series governed motor.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as TT-331A/UG except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors and gears for 45.5 and 74.2 baud.

TT-404/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. 4C Same as TT-332/UG except uses series governed motor.
TT-404A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor Group. Same as TT-332A/UG except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors and gears for 45.5 and 74.2 baud.
TT-405/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as TT-333/UG except uses series governed motor.
TT-405A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as TT-333A/UG except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors and gears for 45.5 and 74.2 baud.
TT-461/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor-Transmitter Group. Same as AN/FGC-59 except uses two 50 Hz synchronous motors in lieu of 60 Hz synchronous motors and uses modified typing perforators.
TT-461A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor-Transmitter Group. Same as TT-461/UG except includes 3 numbering modules in cabinet for tandem operation.
TT-462/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor-Transmitter Group. Same as AN/FGC-59 except uses modified typing perforators.
TT-462A/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Monitor-Transmitter Group. Same as the TT-462/UG except uses cabinet LBAC240BR.
T-509/UG  Teletype High Speed Tape Punch Set. Consists of cover, fully perforated non-typing punch, synchronous motor, base and drive parts for 110 operations per second. 50 Hz, 115VAC. Includes parallel wire input to code and feed magnets of 1 amp. at 28VDC, chad box and manual tape feed out. Fully perforates 11/16" wide tape and is capable of edge notching the sides of the tape.
TT-556/UG  Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as TT-310/UG except includes 50 Hz synchronous motor and gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud. CRITICOM type.

 Teletype High Speed Tape Punch Set. Same as TT-509/UG except includes 60 Hz synchronous motor.


 Model 28 Torn Tape Transmitter Group (Miniature Size). Consists of cover, transmitter distributor, base, series governed motor, tuning fork and gears for 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 50/60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement.





 Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, gears for 45.5 and 75 baud and 2 tape winders. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface and Teletype's TEMPEST feature. CRITICOM type.

AN/UGC-61  Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 3 friction feed typing units, keyboard, 3 synchronous motors and gears for 45.5 and 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface, Teletype's TEMPEST feature, automatic carriage return and line feed, carriage return with line feed and 3 paper winders.
AN/UGC-61A  Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/UGC-61 except includes more rigid cabinet and parts for bulkhead mounting.
AN/UGC-61X  Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/UGC-61 except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors.
  AN/UGC-61Y Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/UGC-61 except includes series governed motors and gears for 74.2 baud. 
AN/UGR-10  Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 4 friction feed typing units, 4 synchronous motors and gears for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface, Teletype's TEMPEST feature, automatic carriage return and line feed, carriage return with line feed and 4 paper winders.
AN/UGR-10A  Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/UGR-10 except includes more rigid cabinet and parts for bulkhead mounting.
AN/UGR-10X  Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/UGR-10 except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors.
AN/UGR-10Y  Model 28 Low Level Multiple Page Printer Monitor Group. Same as AN/UGR-10 except includes series governed motors.
AN/UGR-11  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud and 2 tape winders. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface and Teletype's TEMPEST feature.
AN/UGR-12  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Receiver Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators, gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface and Teletype's TEMPEST feature. CRITICOM type.

 Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Monitor Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 series governed motors, 6 fully perforated typing reperforators and gears for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 47-63 Hz, 115VAC. Includes communication symbol arrangement, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface and Teletype's TEMPEST feature. CRITICOM type.


 Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 3 numbering modules for tandem operation, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface and Teletype's TEMPEST feature. CRITICOM type.

AN/UGT-4X  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as AN/UGT-4 except includes series governed motors. CRITICOM type.
AN/UGT-5  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 3 numbering modules for tandem operation, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface and Teletype's TEMPEST feature.
AN/UGT-6  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 74.2 baud. 7.42 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC. Includes 6 numbering modules, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface, and Teletype's TEMPEST feature.
AN/UGT-6A  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Same as AN/UGT-6 except includes more rigid cabinet and parts for bulkhead mounting.
AN/UGT-7  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Transmitter Group. Consists of floor cabinet, 2 bases, 2 synchronous motors, 6 transmitter distributors and gears for 75 baud. 7.00 unit code, 60 Hz, 115VAC.Includes 6 numbering modules, MIL-STD-188B six volt polar interface and Teletype's TEMPEST feature.CRITICOM type.
TT-576/UG  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as AN/UGR-12 except includes 60 Hz synchronous motors. CRITICOM type.
TT-576A/UG  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as TT-576/UG except includes more rigid cabinet, parts for bulkhead mounting and gears for 75 baud only. CRITICOM type.
TT-577/UG  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Monitor Group. Same as AN/UGR-13 except includes 60 Hz synchronous motors and gears for 45.5, 50 and 75 baud. CRITICOM type. 
TT-578/UG  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Receiver Group. Same as TT-576/UG except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors. CRITICOM type.
TT-579/UG  Model 28 Low Level Torn Tape Monitor Set. Same as TT-577/UG except includes 50 Hz synchronous motors. CRITICOM type.

NAVCOMMSTA Guam 1968-69 - photos thanks to Rodney Rood
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